Category: Case Study

What is your corporator supposed to do?

Everybody talks about being a responsible citizen and doing their duty and so on. But, isn’t it our duty to hold our elected representatives responsible? We use Data analytics and visualizations to enable such interactions.

The true political map of Maharashtra

Maharashtra is the state of India with economy comparable to Norway, and population comparable to 4 Australias. With highest GDP in India(14% of total), and the financial capital Mumbai at stake its also politically very important state. Maharashtra Legislative Assembly has 288 seats. There are multiple ways of showing which political party has influence in…
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Tracking projects with

Sample Dashboard (Actual values and project data replaced for privacy) Background DDO (District Development Officer- CEO ZP) works as coordinating and monitoring body of all works done through Gram Panchayats under multiple government schemes. In gram panchayats, for works of value less than Rs. 5 lakh, tenders are not issued and work orders are given…
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